Betsy Muñoz

Betsy Muñoz is a first-generation college graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Public Service and Public Policy from Arizona State University. Betsy is focused on creating a more equitable K-12 public education system.
Prior to joining Be A Leader Foundation, Betsy was an AzCAN intern for Education Forward Arizona where she supported the Helios Adelante Scholarship by connecting eligible students with college access partners and postsecondary institutions. Previously, Betsy served on the College Knowing and Going Project in working with school and district leadership teams in preparing juniors and seniors for postsecondary education success. Betsy currently serves as the Postsecondary Transition Analyst where she works closely with the counseling teams of Agua Fria High School, Cortez High School, Dysart High School, and Peoria High School in developing strategies and resources toward increasing postsecondary access for all students.