Be A Leader held the 16th Annual “Taking Steps Towards College Success” event on Friday, September 13, 2024!
This year, Be A Leader’s Taking Steps Towards College Summit took place at the Phoenix Convention Center on Friday, September 13, 2024. This inaugural Summit provided students with access to timely information and opportunities to engage with postsecondary (college going) resources. In our ongoing effort to enhance our programs and better address the evolving needs of our students, we crafted a space that offered even more student-centered support. This included a range of conference sessions featuring content expert speakers, alongside our traditional college resource fair. As always, the fair featured non-profit organizations, in-state universities, and scholarship-granting organizations, all who provided crucial information focused on areas vital for student success and the attainment of postsecondary goals.
To broaden our reach and maximize our impact, we collaborated closely with our strategic high school and middle school partners. Together, we made the decision to align the event timeline with the school day, ensuring increased accessibility for students and school partners.